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How to use multiply #320

Open bimawa opened 3 years ago

bimawa commented 3 years ago

I not found example with working multiply solution. On next my code:

  constrain(view, searchImage, coverLabel) { (view, searchImage, coverLabel) in
   == (view.height * CGFloat(0.59))
            searchImage.centerX == view.centerX
            searchImage.leading >= view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.leading + 12.0
            searchImage.trailing <= view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.trailing - 12.0
   == searchImage.bottom + 32.0

I got next compile error:

Build target AppTest
Compile Swift source files
Compile ViewController.swift
(178, 29) Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Edge' and 'Expression<Dimension>'
(178, 29) Overloads for '==' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (P, Expression<P>), (P, P)
Build failed with 1 error and 143 warnings in 43 s 83 ms

How work correctly with it?