robbdouglas / barta-trans-website

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frontend/admin-dashboard #11

Closed Oliverwebdev closed 1 month ago

Oliverwebdev commented 1 month ago
  1. Setup State and Effects:

    • Initialize state hooks for storing news and jobs data.
    • Use useEffect to fetch current news and jobs from the backend on initial load.
  2. Create Input Handlers:

    • Implement input fields to gather user inputs for new news and job entries.
    • Handle form submissions with appropriate fetch requests to the backend.
  3. Integrate Authentication:

    • Modify fetch calls to include JWT tokens in headers to authenticate CRUD operations.
    • Handle token storage and retrieval securely in the frontend.
  4. Error Handling and Feedback:

    • Implement basic error handling for network requests.
    • Provide user feedback for success and error states during CRUD operations.
  5. Testing and Validation:

    • Manually test all functionalities in the development environment.
    • Write unit tests for new functions and components where applicable.

Acceptance Criteria:


Oliverwebdev commented 1 month ago

Implemented a basic dashboard layout with simple functionalities including user authentication, data visualization, and navigation. Further improvements and feature enhancements are planned.