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feature/create-server #4

Closed Bratpfanne92 closed 1 month ago

Bratpfanne92 commented 2 months ago
  1. server(backend) root Folder creat to Client main Folder---
  2. Required Packages install---
  3. server.js add to ./server---
    • [x] Success
Bratpfanne92 commented 2 months ago
  1. .env.example create- edit,
  2. .env create and with .gitignore add to /server folder.---
  3. dotenvconfig.js create-edit(exports success).---
  4. dbconnect.js create-MondoDB connect-connect test
    • [x] Success
Bratpfanne92 commented 2 months ago
  1. create models folder---
  2. models with Schemas create:Job.js, News.js and User.js
    • [x] Success
Bratpfanne92 commented 2 months ago
  1. server.js edit: add main Endpoint (with routes import)---
  2. routes folder create for CRUD Operations---
  3. User Api create with Validation Rules and function, all Operation included
    • [x] Success
Bratpfanne92 commented 2 months ago
  1. routes.js edit: CRUD Ops for News create 2 .routes.js edit: CRUD Ops for Job create
    • [x] Success
Bratpfanne92 commented 2 months ago
  1. create nodemailer forlder and add to /server---
  2. email.js create for email subscribe feature and add to /nodemailer flder
    • [x] Success
Bratpfanne92 commented 2 months ago

routes.js edit: /login Endpoint create-test authorization

Bratpfanne92 commented 2 months ago
  1. validation.js add to /middleware ---
  2. create controllers folder---
  3. usercontroller,newsController,jobController add to /controllers---
  4. routes.js edit: refactor for new filestructure
    • [x] Success