robbert-vdh / nih-plug

Rust VST3 and CLAP plugin framework and plugins - because everything is better when you do it yourself
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Example VST3 plugins with GUI's don't update values in VSTHost #110

Open dlancea opened 4 months ago

dlancea commented 4 months ago

When testing a few plugins with GUIs (each of the example GUIs and Diopser) in VSTHost the GUI controls don't update values within the plugin. That is, it will change the parameter when looking at it through VSTHost (the Gain slider, for instance) but it does not change the sound and it does not reflect in the GUI itself (ie. the Gain bar in the plugin GUI does not "fill in" to the set level). There seems to be some sort of disconnect between the state in the GUI/input and what's used in the plugin. When you stop the VST Engine in the program, the GUI updates (and updates internally) just fine. Also, changing the parameter using the VSTHost gui works fine.

I have also tested these plugins in Ableton and they work fine there. But I was considering using VSTHost as it seems like it would make for an easer build/test loop. Even taking VSTHost specifically out of the equation it seems there might be a deeper underlying issue.