robbert-vdh / nih-plug

Rust VST3 and CLAP plugin framework and plugins - because everything is better when you do it yourself
ISC License
1.45k stars 129 forks source link

Apple Silicon #131

Closed juanmartin closed 2 months ago

juanmartin commented 2 months ago


I cannot see Puberty Simulator and Spectral Compressor in Ableton Live's 11 plug-in list.

I have removed the attribute from all VST3 files and the rest of them are seen and work in my DAW.

Is there something I might be missing?

Thank you for everything!!!

robbert-vdh commented 2 months ago

If you tried to load them before disabling gatekeeper or removing the quarantine flag, you may need to completely remove the files first and then install the plugins again. MacOS seems to intentionally try to make these things as cumbersome as possible.

juanmartin commented 2 months ago

OK now it worked, thank you!

For future reference, these were the steps I took.

  1. Downloaded using curl -LO from the latest nightly link
  2. Did xattr -rd to the zip, just in case
  3. unzip the zip, cd into the folder
  4. xattr -rd *
  5. Copied the plugin files to their respective folders in my case the usual /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3 and CLAP folders
  6. Launched DAW and all of them showed up.

Thanks again for the great work!