robbiehanson / CocoaHTTPServer

A small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for Mac OS X or iOS applications
5.59k stars 1.31k forks source link

CocoaHTTPServer 2.3.0 installed via cocoapods compile error #212

Open Oleksiy-Yakovenko opened 2 years ago

Oleksiy-Yakovenko commented 2 years ago


  1. Create a new mac application TestProject in objective c
  2. Add a Podfile with the following, then run pod install:
    def macos_version; '10.14' end
    platform :osx, macos_version

workspace 'TestProject.xcworkspace'

target 'TestProject' do project 'TestProject.xcodeproj' pod 'CocoaHTTPServer', '2.3.0' end

3. Open the generated `TestProject.xcworkspace`
4. Add `#import <CocoaHTTPServer/HTTPServer.h>` to any objc file, such as AppDelegate.m
5. Observe it fails to build because of import order or something similar in the generated `CocoaHTTPServer-umbrella.h`

CocoaHTTPServer 2.2.1 works just fine though.