Hello There,
I am using XMMPFramework to create my own framework to connect to my sever, it means XMPPFramework.framework has been add to an Example.framework and at the end, the Example.framework is added to my base project as the messaging manager.
But I have faced with a very annoying issue, All logging mechanism don't work at all,
I have added this line where I initiate xmppStream,
[DDLog addLogger:[DDTTYLogger sharedInstance] withLevel:XMPP_LOG_FLAG_SEND_RECV]
and everything is getting done in Debug mode, but the problem is still exists.
I was wondering if anyone could help me.
Hello There, I am using XMMPFramework to create my own framework to connect to my sever, it means XMPPFramework.framework has been add to an Example.framework and at the end, the Example.framework is added to my base project as the messaging manager. But I have faced with a very annoying issue, All logging mechanism don't work at all,
I have added this line where I initiate xmppStream, [DDLog addLogger:[DDTTYLogger sharedInstance] withLevel:XMPP_LOG_FLAG_SEND_RECV]
and everything is getting done in Debug mode, but the problem is still exists. I was wondering if anyone could help me.