robbiepaul / cloudconvert-laravel

A Laravel wrapper for the CloudConvert API
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"Could not be converted" #50

Closed nfunwigabga closed 7 years ago

nfunwigabga commented 7 years ago

Hi, thanks for this repo...really helpful. I implemented it and it works great for images, and pushes them to s3 just fine. But when I try any vide, I get "Could not be converted". Anyone had this issue before and any ideas what caused it?

/** store function in the controller **/
public function store()
    if (Input::hasFile('photo')){
        return redirect('/upload');

/** upload form in view **/
{!! Form::open(['action' => 'UploadController@store', 'method'=>'POST', 'files' => true]) !!}
    <div class="form-group">
          {!! Form::label("photo", "Upload Image:") !!}
          {!! Form::file("photo", null, ['class'=>'form-control']) !!}
     <div class="form-group">
            {!! Form::submit("Create", ['class'=>'btn btn-success pull-right']) !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}

This works well for images, both saving to a local folder and to s3, but I get this "Count not be converted" message for videos. My test video is 1minute in length.

Thanks in advance for any help.

josiasmontag commented 7 years ago

This issue seems to be related to the input file / CloudConvert directly and not the Laravel wrapper. Can you convert the same file on the CloudConvert website directly? If not, please contact us at and provide the example file.

nfunwigabga commented 7 years ago

The issue was really with my server. I checked my Apache logs and realized the max_post_size needed to be increased in php.ini. Same file works on cloudconvert website, so will look at what more I need to get my server accepting these large post requests. Thanks @josiasmontag