robclark56 / RaspiBolt-Extras

More Ways to Use The RaspiBolt
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Auto Wallet Unlock with Lets Encrypt SSL certificate #6

Open 3ntranced opened 5 years ago

3ntranced commented 5 years ago

Hi, I set up an internal lan webserver running https on Running curl --data "action=getEncryptedPassword" I get error curl: (51) SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name '' Only if I run curl with option -k then it works.

Is there a way to get the certificate to work inside the lan? Thanks

robclark56 commented 5 years ago

I am sure there is ... but I don't know how.

3ntranced commented 5 years ago

I guess just running with -k it is then?

robclark56 commented 5 years ago

Have a read of this:

The curl command is using --cacert which may be what you are after.

3ntranced commented 5 years ago

Ok I ll look into that. Thank you