robcowart / elastiflow

Network flow analytics (Netflow, sFlow and IPFIX) with the Elastic Stack
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How is determined the terms appearing on the lower Tag Cloud in Overview? #150

Closed pukkita closed 5 years ago

pukkita commented 5 years ago

captura de pantalla 2018-07-31 a las 10 20 32

What causes e.g. bruteforce to appear? Does Elastiflow analyze traffic patterns for this?

robcowart commented 5 years ago

It is based on IP Reputation-related tags. There is a dictionary ip_rep_basic.yml that is built from various OSINT sources. All public IPs are checked to determine any relevant reputation tags. The ip_rep_basic.yml dictionary will be updated with each release.

pukkita commented 5 years ago

Superb, thanks!