robcowie / SublimePaster

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Having SublimePaster enabled breaks Vintage mode #10

Open michaelbartnett opened 12 years ago

michaelbartnett commented 12 years ago

I've just installed SUblimePaster on two Sublime 2 installations, one the mainline release b2165, and the other the dev release at b2168. In both instances, I'm unable to switch from whatever mode I was currently in when enabling/installing SublimePaster.

Disabling SublimePaster allows me to freely switch editing modes again. I'm not certain if this is a keybinding issue or something else, don't yet know the sublime API well enough to try and run exit_insert_mode from the Python console.

Running OS 10.6.8 on both machines.

robcowie commented 12 years ago


I'm not a regular user of vintage mode so I may be misunderstanding the problem, but I can switch between INSERT and COMMAND modes with esc+c and esc+i respectively. This works with the paster plugin enabled or disabled.

What key combos do you use to switch modes?

michaelbartnett commented 12 years ago

Hi, thanks for your response.

I generally switch to COMMAND mode with ctrl+c, esc, or ctrl+[ and then use i, I, a, A, etc. to get into INSERT mode.

Something I also didn't realize last night when posting this, if I'm in COMMAND mode when enabling the plugin, I lose the ability to navigate with h,j,k,l. Shouldn't interfere with the SublimePaster default keymap.

I also just confirmed the behavior on my system with all other non-standard packages disabled.