robcresswell / vue-material-design-icons

Material Design Icons as Vue Single File Components
MIT License
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Vue3 - multiple compiler errors #273

Closed elgorro closed 3 years ago

elgorro commented 3 years ago

"VueCompilerError: <template functional> is no longer supported in Vue 3, since functional components no longer have significant performance difference from stateful ones. Just use a normal <template> instead."

  1. ArrowRight.vue
  2. ChevronLeft.vue
  3. ChevronRight.vue
  4. Close.vue
  5. DotsHorizontal.vue
  6. Menu.vue
  7. MenuDown.vue
  8. Pause.vue
  9. Pencil.vue
  10. Play.vue
  11. Undo.vue
robcresswell commented 3 years ago


Use 5.0.0

elgorro commented 3 years ago

Sorry for confusion - I got this with 5.0.0!

robcresswell commented 3 years ago

Oh! 🤔 I will investigate

robcresswell commented 3 years ago

@elgorro I don't think you did? See

There's no functional in there. You may have updated your manifest and forgot to run install?

elgorro commented 3 years ago

You're right - something was maybe cached in my IDE! Now it shows the correct error in another dep, which is still using Vue2 respectivly 4.*.