roberodin / ha-samsungtv-custom

📺 HomeAssistant - SamsungTV Custom Component
Apache License 2.0
123 stars 176 forks source link

JU6075 not recognized #24

Open povlhp opened 4 years ago

povlhp commented 4 years ago

/api/v2/ works on 8001 and https 8002

The Samsung Smartview_Frame app works fine. Been doing tcpdump of traffic between phone and TV. Uses UDP and TCP - Lots of DLNA is looks like. port 9000 on phone looks like uPnP webserver. Some /ws/pairing/ taking place on port 8080 of TV.

Have full PCAP including pin pairing if it can help.

  "id": "uuid:a68c6452-...-c07771b475c4",
  "name": "[TV] UE65JU6075",
  "version": "2.0.25",
  "device": {
    "type": "Samsung SmartTV",
    "duid": "uuid:a68c6452-...-c07771b475c4",
    "model": "15_HAWKM_UHD_2D_BASIC",
    "modelName": "UE65JU6000",
    "description": "Samsung DTV RCR",
    "networkType": "wired",
    "ssid": "",
    "ip": "",
    "firmwareVersion": "Unknown",
    "name": "[TV] UE65JU6075",
    "id": "uuid:a68c6452-...-c07771b475c4",
    "udn": "uuid:a68c6452-...-c07771b475c4",
    "resolution": "1920x1080",
    "countryCode": "DK",
    "msfVersion": "2.0.25",
    "smartHubAgreement": "true",
    "wifiMac": "fc:8...89:b1",
    "developerMode": "0",
    "developerIP": ""
  "type": "Samsung SmartTV",
  "uri": ""

And I have these open ports:

7236/tcp  open  display
7237/tcp  open  pads
7676/tcp  open  imqbrokerd
7677/tcp  open  sun-user-https
7678/tcp  open  unknown
8000/tcp  open  http-alt
8001/tcp  open  vcom-tunnel
8002/tcp  open  teradataordbms
8080/tcp  open  http-proxy
8187/tcp  open  unknown
9090/tcp  open  zeus-admin
9197/tcp  open  unknown
9999/tcp  open  abyss
15500/tcp open  unknown
povlhp commented 4 years ago

More update, I have some websocket comms on 8000 - should I use port 8000 in config ?: This seems to be keypresses

GET / HTTP/1.1
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Upgrade: websocket
Authorization: Basic KG51bGwpOihudWxsKQ==
Connection: Upgrade
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HpTJ98DRZnmd7pY+5FYujqSlS3k=
povlhp commented 4 years ago

More info. This .NET code works on Windows, and gets the 4 digit code etc

samsungctl does not work.

arturleao commented 4 years ago

I've wrote a custom component to support H and J models, your TV uses pin mode correct? If possible try this: