Closed jhn4 closed 4 years ago
The I2C-Address of the BME280 is 0x76 or 0x77, depending on the value of its SDO pin. That one is sometimes hardwired, sometimes available on a breakout board pin. At the breakout board I used a solder bridge is foreseen to change the address. It is common for I2C devices to have several configurable addresses.
I'm using pycom's FiPy and got the I2C bus error when using your example code on the the combined CSS811/BME280 enviromental sensor. I fixed it however by changing the BME280 default adress from 0x76 to 0x77, i don't know if it's the combined sensor that have this changed or if the mistake is in your code. However maybe you can add a comment or somthing to make life easier for other people! Chnaged to this:
BME280 default address.
BME280_I2CADDR = 0x77