Closed Kratos800 closed 2 years ago
What is the relation of you post to the SH1106 driver?
And not related to that: it seems as if you use CircuitPython. I cannot tell you more about CircuitPyhton than you can find in it's documentation. The error you get is a CircuitPython question. You can get the list of object in the board module with:
It shows that the name of the object is I2C, not i2c. So the line should most probably be:
Using the default SDA and SCL pins.
I already tried to do that but still it was showing the same error
What is the output of:
import board dir(board) output:
Code done running.
That#s not the output of the dir(). Try:
import board print(dir(board)). output: ['class', 'name', 'A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'GP0', 'GP1', 'GP10', 'GP11', 'GP12', 'GP13', 'GP14', 'GP15', 'GP16', 'GP17', 'GP18', 'GP19', 'GP2', 'GP20', 'GP21', 'GP22', 'GP23', 'GP24', 'GP25', 'GP26', 'GP26_A0', 'GP27', 'GP27_A1', 'GP28', 'GP28_A2', 'GP3', 'GP4', 'GP5', 'GP6', 'GP7', 'GP8', 'GP9', 'LED', 'SMPS_MODE', 'VBUS_SENSE', 'VOLTAGE_MONITOR', 'board_id']
So no I2C in the list. You have toi get the I2C object from another class. As far as I recall, it's busio. See SCL and SDA are PIN objects of the pins, to which the device is connected. Please consult the documentation for further details. Pin handling is in the digitalio class.
I tried with the busio but i am already using it for bmp280 sensor.
I2C is a multi-device bus. You can connect multiple devices to it, as long as the device addresses are different.
This is the code in my main file it is in true loop uv_raw = UV.uv_raw print(uv_raw)
this is the code of the sensor (veml6070)
import code import adafruit_veml6070
i2c = code.I2C()
uv = adafruit_veml6070.VEML6070(i2c) uv_raw =
when i run the code in the main file it shows AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'uv_raw'
What is UV? How is it defined? Please make yourself familiar with the the scoping rules of Pyhton.
The code below is my code on pi pico I have installed all the libraries needed.
I am trying to code veml6070 UV sensor and the code is:
but I am getting error: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'i2c'