robert-s-hogan / nx-monorepo

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Set up agile board in Trello #293

Closed robert-s-hogan closed 6 months ago

robert-s-hogan commented 6 months ago

Starting with the GitHub Power-Up is a good approach, and setting up your board with an Agile method in mind can really help streamline your workflow. A typical Agile Trello board might have the following columns, also known as lists, which represent the stages of your tasks:


This is where all new tasks or features start. It's essentially your to-do list before any work has begun. You might pull in GitHub Issues here as they are identified.


Tasks in this list are ready to be worked on. They've been scoped, and all prerequisites are met, making them ready for development.In Progress: When someone starts working on a task, it moves here. This column makes it clear what's currently being worked on.


After development, tasks move here for quality assurance, code reviews, or any other form of testing your team does.


Once a task is completed, it moves to this column. It's a good practice to review these in your team meetings to discuss what went well and what could be improved.Some teams also include a column for Blocked tasks, which highlights anything that's preventing work from moving forward and needs attention.This setup follows a basic Agile workflow, but you can customize it to fit your team's specific process. For example, if you have a deployment phase, you might add a Deploying or Live column. The key is to make the board work for you and to keep iterating on it as your team evolves.

Certainly, ensuring that tasks in the "Ready" list are well-prepared is crucial for a smooth workflow. This stage serves as a final checkpoint before work begins, ensuring that tasks are clearly defined and feasible. Here are some tips and best practices for managing the


1. Clear Descriptions:

Each card (task) should have a clear, concise description of what needs to be done. This might include specific objectives, expected outcomes, and any relevant details that will help the assignee understand what's required.

2. Acceptance Criteria:

Define what "done" looks like for each task. These are conditions that the task must meet to be considered complete. Acceptance criteria help prevent scope creep and ensure everyone has the same understanding of what's expected.

3. Dependencies Identified:

Ensure that any dependencies or prerequisites for a task are identified and resolved before moving it to "Ready". This might involve completing other tasks, obtaining certain resources, or making decisions that impact the task.

4. Estimated Effort:

Provide an estimate of the effort or time required to complete each task. This can be based on complexity, hours, story points, or whatever estimation method your team prefers. It helps in prioritizing tasks and planning sprints.

5. Assignee and Due Date:

While not all tasks might have a specific assignee or due date at this stage, it's helpful to assign tasks that are ready to be worked on soon. This helps in accountability and planning.

6. Attachments and Resources:

Attach any relevant files, documents, or links that provide additional context or information needed to complete the task. This could include design mockups, technical documentation, or links to related GitHub Issues.

7. Review Process:

Before moving tasks to the "Ready" list, consider having a short review process where team members can ask questions or request clarifications. This could be part of your regular team meetings or a dedicated backlog grooming session.By ensuring tasks in the "Ready" list are well-prepared, you reduce the likelihood of work getting stalled and improve the overall efficiency of your project management process. Would you like more detailed advice on any of these points?

robert-s-hogan commented 6 months ago

set up here: