robert-strandh / CL-reference

Reference manual for the Common Lisp programming language.
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Fixing non-compilation errors due to nonfree fonts #3

Closed kozross closed 9 years ago

kozross commented 9 years ago

Two little lines there cause non-compilation on my machine, due to me being on a fully-free distro using fully-free fonts. Given that you plan to have this be as close to the public domain as possible, you may want to avoid gratuitous use of proprietary fonts.

robert-strandh commented 9 years ago

I merged this pull request.

But you have to tell me how changing the input encoding and the font encoding makes it non-free. I would also like to know how to obtain the same result without those packages, especially how to make the input encoding UTF-8.

kozross commented 9 years ago

The font encoding used by fontenc[T1] causes my (fully-freed) LaTeX to start going fishing for proprietary fonts. I'm not precisely sure why this happens, but this is not a new problem for me - I have had at least one bit of LaTeX fail in the past for the exact same reason. When I queried some people who know what they're on about, they've basically said that this was the cause - and removing it was exactly what did it.

I'll look into how you can get UTF-8 input encodings - I may have been a tad overzealous, or overlooked something critical.

hijarian commented 9 years ago

@kozross @robert-strandh This is completely wrong pull request, and should not be merged because of some TeX system going crazy and downloading nonfree fonts from somewhere.



is like moving back 10 years ago when there were unibyte encodings only. This will prohibit you from using Unicode in the LaTeX sources.

kozross commented 9 years ago

@hijarian I figured I'd address this. This is not merely an issue of "some TeX system going crazy and downloading nonfree fonts from somewhere" - it is an issue of the fact that \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} requires nonfree fonts. Given the licensing model of this project, it is at best horribly inconsistent to require nonfree fonts to compile your source.

Now, the UTF-8 thing is a valid concern - and if you check the latest commit, it has been put back. However, I disagree strongly with the inclusion of \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} - I believe in software freedom, and if this project decides to require nonfree fonts, then it may as well not bother with its licensing terms, as it's essentially asking people to 'do as I say, not do as I do'.

hijarian commented 9 years ago

@kozross Well, I don't have any problems with T1 fonts removal. This is obscure METAFONT legacy. We probably can just provide our own fonts for compiling this reference. I was baffled only by removal of utf-8 support, as it was like killing blow to any translation effort of this reference, let alone special symbols in text.

kozross commented 9 years ago

@hijarian Yeah, that was my bad - as soon as I realized this, I asked for that change to be reverted.