robert-strandh / SICL

A fresh implementation of Common Lisp
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Build Instructions #3

Closed samebchase closed 11 years ago

samebchase commented 11 years ago

Hi Robert,

Can you put some instructions in the README as to how SICL may be built?


robert-strandh commented 11 years ago


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 1:31 PM, Samuel Chase wrote:

Can you put some instructions in the README as to how SICL may be built?

Oh dear! Have I given the impression that it is in a state where it can be built? It can not!

I mean, some individual modules for use in other systems can be built, and I believe there are build instructions for them already.

As far as the complete Common Lisp implementation goes, it will still take several months before I have something that can boot. I am still working on the cross compiler, though I am making good progress, I think.

Robert Strandh

samebchase commented 11 years ago

Heh. Alright.

All the best! Samuel