robert-strandh / Second-Climacs

Version 2 of the Climacs text editor.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Commands for moving by expression are not bound to keys. #37

Open robert-strandh opened 8 months ago

robert-strandh commented 8 months ago

C-M-f, C-M-b, C-M-a, C-M-e are not associated with any commands.

scymtym commented 8 months ago

The command names are taken from Emacs. I'm not sure whether it makes more sense to use the well-known names or try to be more consistent and use new names. For the commands in the following list, the difference is "kill" vs. "delete". The text.editing library always uses "delete" (with "forward" and "backward") while Emacs uses "delete", "erase" and "kill" in the names of similar commands.




Structure Editing

scymtym commented 8 months ago

@splittist was kind enough to collect this list of Zmacs commands and keybindings:


Backward Sexp             C-M-b
Backward Sexp No Up
Forward Sexp              C-M-f
Forward Sexp No Up

Backward Down List
Backward List             C-M-p
Backward Up List          C-M-(
Down List                 C-M-d
Forward List              C-M-n
Forward Up List           C-M-)
Move Over )               M-)

Beginning of Definition   C-M-[
End of Definition         C-M-]

Exchange Sexps            C-M-t

Mark Sexp                 C-M-@
Mark Definition           C-M-h

Backward Kill Sexp        C-M-Rubout
Kill Sexp                 C-M-k