robertaachenw / solidity-debugger

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Unable to step into the target contract using an external call #22

Open m-waqas88 opened 1 month ago

m-waqas88 commented 1 month ago

I have the contract compiled using npx hardhat compile. I can see the symbols (artifacts) in my artifacts folder but I am not able to step into the target contract.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >= 0.4.21 < 0.9.0;

contract DbgEntry {
    event EvmPrint(string);

    constructor() {
        emit EvmPrint("DbgEntry.constructor");

        // Here you can either deploy your contracts via `new`, eg:
        //  Counter counter = new Counter();
        //  counter.increment();
        // or interact with an existing deployment by specifying a `fork` url in `dbg.project.json`
        // eg:
        //  ICounter counter = ICounter(0x12345678.....)
        //  counter.increment(); 
        // If you have correct symbols (`artifacts`) for the deployed contract, you can step-into calls.

        uint256 testBalance = address(0xAf2358e98683265cBd3a48509123d390dDf54534).balance;
        address deployedContract = 0xa7254Be9592e2EF9423100dD35e0cd6E86f4F392;
        uint256 theTotalSupply = ITestContract(0xa7254Be9592e2EF9423100dD35e0cd6E86f4F392).totalSupply(); // <====

        emit EvmPrint("DbgEntry return");

interface ITestContract {
    function totalSupply() external view returns(uint256);
    function getTotalSupply() external view returns(uint256);