robertdavidgraham / masscan

TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
23k stars 3.02k forks source link

masscan disconnect internet #685

Open surfer663 opened 1 year ago

surfer663 commented 1 year ago

plz tell why when i scan a few ip ranges does masscan kill my internet connection... i even dropped the rate to 1000 is there any special settings or am i doing something wrong - am using kali linux 2022 your help is appreciated

mynote commented 1 year ago

Got the same problem but with windows. It doesn't just drop the Internet-connection, it crashes the Fritz box on Windows (when having rate more than 4000).

I tried it on several Computers with fritzboxes and different ETH/WIFI Adapters.

It must be a bug with masscan and winpcap. Same drop doesn't happen using Linux.

schnism commented 6 months ago

Can confirm, but I think this is a bug in FritzBox, not in masscan.

I can reproducably crash my fritzbox with latest firmware by running

masscan -p80 --banners -oG scan.txt --rate 100000 --adapter-ip

from a linux-PC.

I'll try to contact avm support now.