robertdavidgraham / masscan

TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
23k stars 3.02k forks source link

Incomplete results #712

Open multiflexi opened 1 year ago

multiflexi commented 1 year ago

When executing this command: masscan [IPV6] -p "389,6667,143,10514,4116,21,23,25,6436,5671,433,563,8883,5432,443,3269,5061,585,587,465,853,6619,989,4190,990,5085,992,993,994,995,5349,5222,3306,4843,110,6513,6514,7025,119,8443,636" --rate 100 --output-status all -oJ test.json

The JSON with results contains only single result even though --output-status all is specified:

{   "ip": "[IPV6]",   "timestamp": "1679826571", "ports": [ {"port": 443, "proto": "tcp", "status": "open", "reason": "syn-ack", "ttl": 124} ] }

I would expect it to include closed ports as well.

mzpqnxow commented 7 months ago

See #190 and #247, this should be working

However, only "open" and "closed" state are logged - not "filtered"

Is it possible your target has all other ports filtered? What does nmap report?

If nmap reports that single port as open and the rest as "filtered" then this is expected behavior

If it reports them as "closed" then there may be an issue