robertdebock / ansible-role-users

The purpose of this role is to add users and groups on your system.
Apache License 2.0
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Confirm/fix sudoers syntax #40

Closed jkirk closed 2 months ago

jkirk commented 3 months ago

I just reviewed the configuration and found this line:

According to the sudoers(5) man page, a group is prefixed with a single '%' (see the section Aliases > User ::=).

Is that a typo or am I reading it wrong or does it mean something else?

I tried something like this:

    - role: robertdebock.users
        - name: mygroup
          sudo_options: ["ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL"]
        - name: 'myuser'
          group: mygroup

Which creates this /etc/sudoers.d/mygroup:

# HEADER: managed by ansible, do NOT edit manually!                                                      
%%mygroup ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL   

I don't think this is correct, or?

FTR, i worked around this, by using this line:

          sudo_options: "%mygroup ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL"
robertdebock commented 2 months ago

You are correct, I'm not sure where the double % came from, let me change it to a single one.