robertkirkman / sm64ex-coop

SM64 online co-op mod, forked from, changes for Android and other open-source UNIX-like platforms
43 stars 14 forks source link

How to install render96? #14

Closed thanone2 closed 2 months ago

thanone2 commented 2 months ago

Is it possible? if so, how would I do this?

robertkirkman commented 2 months ago

Hello, thanks for your question. You can do that using these commands in any supported version of Termux:

pkg install wget p7zip rsync
7z x
mkdir -p /storage/emulated/0/com.owokitty.sm64excoop/dynos/packs/
cp -r Render96_Chars/Render96\ Chars/ /storage/emulated/0/com.owokitty.sm64excoop/dynos/packs/
7z x Render96_DynOs_v3.2.7z
cp -r Render96_DynOs_v3.2/ /storage/emulated/0/com.owokitty.sm64excoop/dynos/packs/
git clone -b sm64ex-and-others
rsync -r RENDER96-HD-TEXTURE-PACK/gfx /storage/emulated/0/com.owokitty.sm64excoop/dynos/packs

Render96 assets take up a huge amount of your phone storage, so this download will take a very long time.

Unfortunately, izzy2fancy's SM64 Builder Termux included a link in its download code for "Render96" to a domain that expired. Some of the same links in my documentation are also dead, but documentation gives me the flexibility to update the links on a case by case basis as needed and allows the users to find historical information about the mod more easily.

thanone2 commented 2 months ago

Hello, thanks for your question. You can do that using these commands in any supported version of Termux:

pkg install p7zip rsync
7z x
mkdir -p /storage/emulated/0/com.owokitty.sm64excoop/dynos/packs/
cp -r Render96_Chars/Render96\ Chars/ /storage/emulated/0/com.owokitty.sm64excoop/dynos/packs/
git clone -b sm64ex-and-others
rsync -r RENDER96-HD-TEXTURE-PACK/gfx /storage/emulated/0/com.owokitty.sm64excoop/dynos/packs

Render96 assets take up a huge amount of your phone storage, so this download will take a very long time.

Unfortunately, izzy2fancy's SM64 Builder Termux included a link in its download code for "Render96" to a domain that expired. Some of the same links in my documentation are also dead, but documentation gives me the flexibility to update the links on a case by case basis as needed and allows the users to find historical information about the mod more easily.

It worked! Thanks!Screenshot_20240514-161442_sm64ex-coop.jpg