robertklep / bosch-xmpp

Protocol implementation for Bosch XMPP protocols
MIT License
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bosch-xmpp easycontrole bridge mode #34

Open xsone opened 2 years ago

xsone commented 2 years ago

Readout 'Boiler State': Which JSON response message van Nefit-Bosch Easycontrol is used to monitor de 'Boiler Status'? /bridge/dhwCircuits/dhw1/state {"id":"/dhwCircuits/dhw1/state","type":"stringValue","writeable":0,"recordable":0,"value":"off"}

P.S. Reading out teh CV-status works fine with: /bridge/zones/zn1/status {"id":"/zones/zn1/status","type":"stringValue","writeable":0,"recordable":0,"value":"idle"} *)/zn1/status of CV: "value":"idle" "value":"heat request"

Please let me know the richt response message for Boiler Status to check out is boiler is heating or off.

Thanks in advance, Jack

robertklep commented 2 years ago

I have no idea, but the CT200 allows for autodiscovery of endpoints. It's easiest to use the CLI interface for this, not the bridge mode:

bosch-xmpp easycontrol get /

This will return all endpoints starting at the root. You can retrieve each endpoint to navigate up the "directory structure".

xsone commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot Robert for your quick answer!

I've tried your advise, below the endpoints for the hotwater system (boiler). When I activate the hot water, I don't see any status change, I am quite sure dhw1 must be hot water control.

On my easycontrol android app, I see the 'red hot water icon' appear, but no status change in any of the json enpoints below. I suggest it has to be /dhw1/state

Do you have a suggestion?

Compliments for the though work and great application and scripts!!!!

easycontrol get /dhwCircuits/dhw1

easycontrol get /dhwCircuits/dhw1/hotWaterSystem {"id":"/dhwCircuits/dhw1/hotWaterSystem","type":"stringValue","writeable":0,"recordable":0,"used":"true","available":"true","value":"instant"}

easycontrol get /dhwCircuits/dhw1/operationMode {"id":"/dhwCircuits/dhw1/operationMode","type":"stringValue","writeable":1,"recordable":0,"used":"false","available":"true","infoText":"intelli","value":"Off"}

easycontrol get /dhwCircuits/dhw1/programs

easycontrol get /dhwCircuits/dhw1/state {"id":"/dhwCircuits/dhw1/state","type":"stringValue","writeable":0,"recordable":0,"value":"off"}

easycontrol get /dhwCircuits/dhw1/temperatureLevels easycontrol get /dhwCircuits/dhw1/temperatureLevels/high easycontrol get /dhwCircuits/dhw1/thermalDisinfect easycontrol get /dhwCircuits/dhw1/thermalDisinfect/lastResult easycontrol get /dhwCircuits/dhw1/dhwCircuits/dhw1/thermalDisinfect/state easycontrol get /dhwCircuits/dhw1/dhwCircuits/dhw1/thermalDisinfect/time easycontrol get /dhwCircuits/dhw1/dhwCircuits/dhw1/thermalDisinfect/weekDay

robertklep commented 2 years ago

I don't have a CT200 in use so can't test myself, but from what I can trace back in the app code, it's looking at the value of /gateway/ui/icons to check the current state of the boiler to change the icon (it's matched against dhw on).

xsone commented 2 years ago

Robert That's it!!! thanks a lot!