robertklep / name.klep.sonoff

Homey driver for Sonoff devices
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Support for Sonoff 4ch Pro & Sonoff 4CH Pro R2 #11

Closed LyoshaDovolen closed 6 years ago

LyoshaDovolen commented 6 years ago

Support for Sonoff 4ch Pro & Sonoff 4CH Pro R2

robertklep commented 6 years ago

The current beta version of the app should support the 4CH and 4CH Pro devices, provided that they are running the Tasmota firmware (and have the correct module type set).

The devices will likely never be supported when they run the original firmware (because recent versions of that firmware make it impossible to pair with Homey).

LyoshaDovolen commented 6 years ago

i need click this for install 4ch pro?

robertklep commented 6 years ago

Yes, that should be it. But make sure that the Tasmota module type is set correctly, which you can do from the Tasmota configuration page of your device (showing the page of a Sonoff TH because I don't have a 4CH available, but the page is the same):

screen shot 2018-05-10 at 11 50 02

Make sure that it's set to one of these three: "Sonoff 4CH", "4 Channel" or "Sonoff 4CH Pro".

robertklep commented 6 years ago

Oh, a quick way to the settings page, provided you're running the latest beta version of my app, is through (Homey) Settings > Sonoff:

screen shot 2018-05-10 at 11 53 27

Clicking on the IP-address will open the Tasmota configuration page for the device.

LyoshaDovolen commented 6 years ago

Thank you Robert . I'll try this later

LyoshaDovolen commented 6 years ago

it works. device added, but this flow doesn't work

robertklep commented 6 years ago

@LyoshaDovolen to be clear: you do receive the push notification?

LyoshaDovolen commented 6 years ago


robertklep commented 6 years ago

Do you know how to use an MQTT client? I'd like to see what the Homey app is sending to the MQTT broker when the flow is being run.

LyoshaDovolen commented 6 years ago

when the flow is being run - nothing happens in log

robertklep commented 6 years ago

That's certainly not how it's supposed to work. I'll check and see what's going on.

robertklep commented 6 years ago

Yeah, it's a bug. Will fix ASAP.

robertklep commented 6 years ago

I just submitted v4.0.8 to the Homey app store for review, which should fix this problem.

robertklep commented 6 years ago

v4.0.8 was just published, please check and see if it works better :D

LyoshaDovolen commented 6 years ago

Everything works fine now. Thank you Robert

robertklep commented 6 years ago

Thanks for testing!