robertklep / name.klep.sonoff

Homey driver for Sonoff devices
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device.getIpAddress is not a function error on settings page #16

Open torstengram opened 5 years ago

torstengram commented 5 years ago

Hello, i am getting this error when trying to enter the settings page of the app device.getIpAddress is not a function it does not show me the 3 Tasmota devices i have, they seems to function OK

robertklep commented 5 years ago

Strange, that function should be defined for all Tasmota devices.

Could you try and restart the app to see if that solves the problem?

torstengram commented 5 years ago

Hi, restarting the app and the broker app (running on Homey) does not help. However right after restart i do not see the error message, but i do not see the devices either. Anything i can extract in order to troubleshoot better? a log or something?

robertklep commented 5 years ago

There's a log, but it's not accessible unless you run the app from the command line.

Right after a restart it's expected that the devices aren't showing up, because it may take some time before the devices are detected.

What types of devices do you have?

torstengram commented 5 years ago

I have 2 PCs of S26 added as generic Tasmota device. And one POW


robertklep commented 5 years ago

Ah right, I think it might be because of those generic devices.

Try removing those and re-adding them as S20 devices (make sure you set the correct module type in the Tasmota configuration).

Be aware that removing devices will invalidate any flows that are built with them, though.

thucar commented 5 years ago

I'm having the same issue. I did add my S20, Bridge and Basic as generic devices because the S20 (newer version) and basic were not being picked up when I tried adding them as their actual devices.

The basic was not being detected at all when doing a soft restart during inclusion and when adding the S20, immediately after restart a message popped up saying "No new devices detected"

robertklep commented 5 years ago

@thucar the issue here is "were not being picked up up when I tried adding them as their actual devices".

Did you configure the Tasmota firmware correctly, so the correct module type is being used? If you have a device that isn't directly supported, but is an improved version of another device (for instance, the S26 is, AFAIK, an improved S20), you can configure it as the other device.

thucar commented 5 years ago

Tasmota firmware was configured correctly. I'm running the latest version: 6.3.0 with stock settings. Only configured WiFi, module type and MQTT settings after uploading the firmware.

The S20 is definitely S20 but it looks like a newer version (S20_EU_V1.3) Not sure if it makes a difference.

When I tried adding it as a regular S20, I got the following error: image

When trying to add the Basic, as I said, it never got detected at all. The only way for me to get thos two added was to use the Generic option. Then they were detected correctly and I managed to select their corresponding types.

robertklep commented 5 years ago

It looks like there's been a change in the Tasmota firmware regarding module identifiers. It'll take a few days before I can start fixing it; in the mean time, you could try and flash an earlier version of Tasmota.

thucar commented 5 years ago

It's ok. I was hoping I could define/edit sensor information on the settings page but looks like that's not the case. Am I correct to assume that currently only the Sonoffs stock capabilities get carried over when importing them to Homey? Meaning that if I have a Sonoff Basic with 12 DS12B20 sensors hooked up to it, I will not be able to access the temperature values from Homey?

I even looked into the MQTT Client app to see if I can access the data directly from the Broker. Unfortunately I was unable to break apart the tele/sonoff/SENSOR message into individual temperature readings from there either.

robertklep commented 5 years ago

Am I correct to assume that currently only the Sonoffs stock capabilities get carried over when importing them to Homey? Meaning that if I have a Sonoff Basic with 12 DS12B20 sensors hooked up to it, I will not be able to access the temperature values from Homey?

Yes, that's the case right now. I will hopefully release a new version of the Homey app within the next two weeks or so that will be able to determine which sensors a device has, and map those sensors to (Homey) capabilities.