robertklep / name.klep.sonoff

Homey driver for Sonoff devices
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Sonoff Basic RF and GPIO14 garage door opener and sensor request? #22

Open senadaruc opened 5 years ago

senadaruc commented 5 years ago

Dear Klep,

I have Sonoff Basic RF with Tasmota 6.4.1 configured with "PulseTime - Inching" function to open/close my garage door and with GPIO14 connected into the magnetic switch to detect the garage door open/close status.

Can you please help me with Athom integration, and how we can integrate this?

Ps: I have the same HW setups with GPIO14 for Sonoff SV and Sonoff 1Chnl Smart Switch ready to test.


robertklep commented 5 years ago

Sensors aren't supported yet by the Sonoff app on Homey.

As an alternative, it might be possible to use the MQTT Client app to act on MQTT messages sent by the device, but it would require some MQTT skills.

senadaruc commented 5 years ago

Hmm thanks for the prompt response, my hope was that we can have 1 device for Open/Close and Sensor same time.


robertklep commented 5 years ago

I agree, at some point I want to do a rewrite of the Sonoff app where it would autodetect all sensors/switches/relays connected to a device, and "fold" them into one Homey device, but I haven't yet gotten around to that.

senadaruc commented 5 years ago

I have all kind of Sonoff devices so if you need info, help, and testing let me know :) I am around.

LastKnight62 commented 5 years ago

I also have a lot of Sonoff devices....

AloisKlingler commented 5 years ago


did you try anything else with the magnetic door sensor? I was wondering if you would like to share the config and the flashed firmware, or can you tell me which GPIO is triggered on the ESP with the magnetic switch? I have bought the same sensor and would like to save some search work which you did already before. ;)

thanks! BR Alois

senadaruc commented 5 years ago

Guys, I am on PTO until 7.May I will share when I am back at home.