robertklep / name.klep.sonoff

Homey driver for Sonoff devices
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Dimmer slider is not working #23

Open Pheerink opened 5 years ago

Pheerink commented 5 years ago

I have a PS 16 DZ dimmer flashed with Tasmato. Everything works fine with the Tasmato software. I can dim and toggle no problems! Then I tried to get this in Homey and have installed the dimmer with the Sonoff generic Tasmato option. It is installed and I'm able to switch the dimmer On and Off via Homey. Homey is also providing me a slider to change the intensity but when I use it, the dimmer doesn't react. Any ideas?

robertklep commented 5 years ago

I don't have any dimmer devices myself, so support for dimming is not implemented (even though the dimming capability is added).

Pheerink commented 5 years ago

That's a pity. For what dimmer did you implement the dimming if you say it has the dimming capability?

robertklep commented 5 years ago

No specific device. The app can see that a device supports dimming, and adds this capability to the Homey device that it creates, but it doesn't implement the actual dimming. To be honest, it probably shouldn't be adding the dim capability to the Homey device until it has actually implemented support for it.

Pheerink commented 5 years ago

I agree with your last statement, however Is dimming on your list to implement or are you only focussing on the Sonoff line. Thanks for all your help it is highly appreciated.

robertklep commented 5 years ago

Ideally, I want a totally generic Tasmota driver that's able to find out which capabilities a Tasmota device has, and map all of those capabilities to a Homey devices.

However, my Homey got bricked a few weeks ago and I moved all of my home automation to Home Assistant, so I'm not actively working on Homey apps at the moment (my Homey got replaced by Athom, but I'm quite happy with Home Assistant so haven't yet had a reason to go back to Homey). That may change in the future, but no guarantees.

Pheerink commented 5 years ago

I have "played" a couple of years with Domoticz but the problem is that you need a lot of add-ons to get everything working. Homey is providing you these add-ons in one device. If you limit your home devices to wifi it's fine but I have RF 433 - zigbee Z-wave, infrared etc.

robertklep commented 5 years ago

I have 433Mhz (some, phasing it out), Zigbee and Z-Wave. All works great on HA 👍🏻

To get your dimmer working fast, you might be able to use the MQTT Client app on Homey combined with a virtual device (flow trigger for "dimmer" messages on the correct topic to set the virtual device's dim capability, and flow trigger on the dim capability to send a "dimmer" message to your device).

Baldhor commented 4 years ago

I played around and did this : I control my 5 shutter with it (Teepao device), and it should be compatible with any shutter device running tasmota firmware.

Hope you don't mind @robertklep :)

robertklep commented 4 years ago

I don't mind at all! (although my name is "Klep" and not "Kelp" 😜)