robertmrk / aiosfstream

Salesforce Streaming API client for asyncio
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[Question] Advice on Timing of set_replay_marker #3

Closed balmasi closed 5 years ago

balmasi commented 5 years ago

Hi @robertmrk ,

I've been using your package with great success so thank you.

One question on the consumption of messages though:

Let's say I have some async def process(msg): ... that does some processing of a received message

It seems like set_replay_marker is being called before I can call my process function. How can I replay the message that I just received if the process(msg) call fails?

ideally, I would like to increase the replay marker AFTER I've processed successfully.

any advice?

balmasi commented 5 years ago

Currently solving this by subclassing:

class MyClient(SalesforceStreamingClient):
    async def receive(self):
        response = await super(Client, self).receive()
        return response

    async def __aiter__(self):
        async for message in super(Client, self).__aiter__():
            yield message
            await self.replay_storage.extract_replay_id(message)

Tried doing this in receive but got rejected. See any problems with what I'm trying to do??

michalgornik commented 5 years ago

I'm saving every event to file, then i read event from file, then process, if processed succesfully then delete line from file. If not then event will be processed with next incoming event.

robertmrk commented 5 years ago

Hi @balmasi

This is not possible at the moment, or at least not without altering the code. Your solution might work, but it has its own potential problems. In your subclass, the replay marker gets stored when the next message is requested from the asynchronous generator function. If your application would crash at a point after successfully processing a message, but before requesting the next message, then the replay marker of an already processed message would not be stored. So at the next run of the application it would be retrieved and processed again.

Can you provide some feedback on what would be your strategy for dealing with message processing errors? If all you want to do is to retry the processing of a message after a failed message processing attempt, then simply storing the last message in a local variable or on a persistent location might be enough.

balmasi commented 5 years ago

I'm saving every event to file, then i read event from file, then process, if processed succesfully then delete line from file. If not then event will be processed with next incoming event.

You still have the same problem because essentially what you have is your process() == writeToFile()

balmasi commented 5 years ago

Hi @balmasi

This is not possible at the moment, or at least not without altering the code. Your solution might work, but it has its own potential problems. In your subclass, the replay marker gets stored when the next message is requested from the asynchronous generator function. If your application would crash at a point after successfully processing a message, but before requesting the next message, then the replay marker of an already processed message would not be stored. So at the next run of the application it would be retrieved and processed again.


You're absolutely correct about the app crash case, however, this problem is fundamentally unsolvable.

as long as set_replay_marker() and process() are 2 atomic operations, the only way to make it resilient to failure is if the process invokes set_replay_marker AND process is an idempotent operation. I think that's a given for consumer-driven subscriptions like this.

alternatively, you can allow the user to override the library so that the set_replay_marker is built into the process function so the user manages transactions to ensure both things are happening.

simply storing the last message in a local variable or on a persistent location might be enough. With the current setup

This works if you're expecting a soft failure, but not for unexpected hard failures, essentially forcing the user of the library to write the message to a db or something when it could be avoided.

Here are some variations of ways I thought this could be handled. Feel free to remix them cause I'm just brainstorming here

async for msg in client:
    async with client.get_marker_context(msg):
        await process(msg)
        # where set_replay_marker is called if there was no exceptions in context


msg = await client.receive()
async with msg:
    await process()
    # where set_replay_marker is called if there was no exceptions in context

or even

msg = await client.receive()
await process(msg)
await client.mark_processed(msg) # or something to that effect

On a different note. I'm a little confused by your implementation of async iterators (based on my readings on the subject). isn't __aiter__ supposed to return an async iterator and __anext__ supposed to get the single next value? It seems you're doing the entire iteration in the __aiter__ method. Am I missing something?

balmasi commented 5 years ago

Here's my attempt at making a simplified client that does what I want:

you can also imagine converting that to a context manager which provides a function to wrap your process with. Would look something like

async for m in client:    
    async with Actor(my_replay_storage, m) as run_and_commit_marker:
          await run_and_commit_marker(process)
robertmrk commented 5 years ago

@balmasi This suggestion sounds reasonable. I will soon implement the manual acknowledgement of messages as an option.

On a different note. I'm a little confused by your implementation of async iterators (based on my readings on the subject). isn't __aiter__ supposed to return an async iterator and __anext__ supposed to get the single next value? It seems you're doing the entire iteration in the __aiter__ method. Am I missing something?

I think you should look up the difference between an asynchronous iterable and an asynchronous iterator. :wink: An instance of the Client or the SalesforceStreamingClient class is not an iterator, it's an iterable, or more precisely it's an asynchronous iterable, all it needs to implement is __aiter__. When you call it, it'll return an object which will be an asynchronous iterator which implements both __aiter__ and __anext__.

robertmrk commented 5 years ago

Hi @balmasi

I'm sorry but I didn't have any time to implement this enhancement until now. The documentation can be found here.

sureshbabumandava commented 5 years ago

@robertmrk , thanks again for getting this.

i have couple of questions for you. About, does it create the file on its own and store the events replayId? We are using this at the moment, we are struggling to get this python daemon process running continuously without getting that crashed, we did some error handling. What do you suggest for running this streaming client continuously ?

robertmrk commented 5 years ago

Hi @sureshbabumandava

Yes, will create the underlying database file if it doesn't exists. It's actually part of the standard library, you can find more information on it here. It's not entirely clear from your description what exactly causes your problems. If you're experiencing problems with the library, if it behaves unexpectedly then please open a new issue with a minimal code example that can be used to reproduce the problem.