robertocarroll / icc-beta

End to end prototype for ICC
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Home - Revisit personalisation (geo-location etc) #21

Open robertocarroll opened 10 years ago

robertocarroll commented 10 years ago

ICC Alpha feedback points to difficulties in finding content for a particular type of user. Re-consider proposal for a section on the home layout customised by location / first time visit.

  1. Detect user's location and show latest news, latest court records, next court dates and link to situation. See for an example of detection country code.
  2. First-time visitor (cookies) - point them to "How the Court works".
  3. Also consider elevating the user type links - journalist, lawyer, etc - further up the home layout
robertocarroll commented 9 years ago

This issue needs to be considered in conjunction with the approach to the menu for the home layout.

The home layout could, for example, have an additional section in a prominent position, i.e. visible on landing without scroll which is based on a user's location.

It would only be visible to users in situation countries and it could clearly indicate that it is customised content (or it could ask to confirm user location - HTML5). It could use a pattern similar to home overview #59 except with featured story (we don't have this at a situation-level at the moment), latest news and latest court records.

It would be a really good way of customising content for particular sets of users without too much effort.

For example, if I was in Kenya, I would come to the ICC site and on the home layout see the featured story, latest news and latest court records for Kenya.

It doesn't want to take over and be the only thing - rather an extra way for the user to see content. We could even ask them if they like it and then save that preference in a cookie. Also we don't want to be creepy, so it would have to be clear to the user what was going on.

For the hide, I have in mind this example from the Guardian homepage a while ago where the user could choose to hide Olympic coverage:

robertocarroll commented 9 years ago

Here's some sample front-end code to get the country code:

Simmi: Do you think it will be possible to create a section like this? What extra work will be required from your side? What information can we display to the user if we know a user's country code and therefore can link up a situation? Can we simply show a link to a situation or can we go further, e.g. show latest news, court records, etc.

robertocarroll commented 9 years ago

Simmi: It would be great to hear how easy / hard it is to combine the two bits of information:

If the user's country code matches one of the situations then show some relevant information.

Clearly showing a link to the situation is the tip of the iceberg. How easy is it to show latest court records, a list of cases, etc. using only the two bits of information above?

simmigaba commented 9 years ago

Hi Rob, Yes its possible to define a new metadata field (country code) in the backend data structure and then populate this value for all entities that we want to geo code i.e. case, situation, court records, News, etc. Then when a user visits a Home Page from a country which is in a defined list of one of the country code metadata values then that country code will be used as additional filter parameter while fetching the underlying content. Otherwise default content will be displayed as of now. So if you can please let me know exactly what sections on Home Page need to display country specific content with any UI changes, then I can start working on this requirement. Thanks.