robertohuertasm / SQLite4Unity3d

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Constrain 2 Primary Keys - Unity 5.6.2p1 #66

Open GilbertoBitt opened 7 years ago

GilbertoBitt commented 7 years ago

I want to use more than 1 primary key in my case only 2! and i can't seen to get it working or it doesn't support. help me...

TakuKobayashi commented 7 years ago

I had the same problem, too. When actually looking at the source code and confirming it, in order to be able to set the composite Primary Key, since I had to edit the source code largely, instead of setting a compound unique index and substituting it with a composite primary key We handled it in the same way as we treated it. (If I have time, I'd like to fix it so that I can set composite Primary Key later...)

GilbertoBitt commented 7 years ago

@TakuKobayashi my work around was a little more simple! i create the custom command for insert or replace using insert or ignore than update in the command. look here the code;

public void UpdateOrReplateInventory(DBOINVENTARIO _itemUpdate){
        //Connection.Query("UPDATE Book SET Name = '" + inputfield.text + "' WHERE Id = " + intBookNo);
        object[] argss = new object[12];
        argss[0] = _itemUpdate.idItem;
        argss[1] = _itemUpdate.idUsuario;
        argss[2] = _itemUpdate.quantidade;
        argss[3] = _itemUpdate.dataUpdate;
        argss[4] = _itemUpdate.dataInsert;
        argss[5] = _itemUpdate.ativo;
        argss[6] = _itemUpdate.quantidade;
        argss[7] = _itemUpdate.dataUpdate;
        argss[8] = _itemUpdate.dataInsert;
        argss[9] = _itemUpdate.ativo;
        argss[10] = _itemUpdate.idItem;
        argss[11] = _itemUpdate.idUsuario;
        //object[] argss02 = new object[6];

        String command01 = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO DBOINVENTARIO (idItem, idUsuario, quantidade, dataUpdate, dataInsert, ativo) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?); ";
        String command02 = "UPDATE DBOINVENTARIO SET quantidade=?,dataUpdate=?,dataInsert=?,ativo=?  WHERE idItem=? AND idUsuario=?;";
        String commandFull = command01 + command02;
       // _connection.Query(commansd, argss);
TakuKobayashi commented 7 years ago

Well, is it not OK to use "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ..." command?

GilbertoBitt commented 7 years ago

@TakuKobayashi it's ok but the correct should be using LINQ to fast interaction with tables contain 2 primary keys because in my case using command i need write all the command code to every table on my database that has constraint key.