robertwijas / UISS

UIAppearance Stylesheets
MIT License
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Deprecated methods in iOS 6.0 #17

Closed danmartyn closed 11 years ago

danmartyn commented 11 years ago

Getting a couple of errors in the library (1.1.0 from Cocoapods):

1) [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]; on line 90 in UISSConsoleViewController.m

2) NSAssert(dispatch_get_current_queue() == dispatch_get_main_queue(), @"notifications should arrive on main thread", nil); on line 145 in UISSStatusViewController.m

I fixed the first one (replaced it with: [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];). Not sure how to fix the second one though, not alot of experience with GCD.

robertwijas commented 11 years ago

It has been already fixed. You can safely use HEAD from master. I'm going to release 1.1.1 on Sunday probably. Thanks.