robhawkes / rawkets

Massively multiplayer space game utilising HTML5 canvas and WebSockets
GNU General Public License v3.0
194 stars 28 forks source link

Bot "Rawkets" #7

Open savagemic opened 13 years ago

savagemic commented 13 years ago

Create bot Rawkets for when other players aren't available or have bot rawkets all the time.

robhawkes commented 13 years ago

There is something about this idea that I love. Perhaps the inherent complications and difficulty in developing a bunch of AI minions. =D

markembling commented 13 years ago

Opening up some sort of API so users can code their own bits with their own AI logic would be fantastic. Very complex, but great fun for us tinkerers.

gavtaylor commented 13 years ago

love this idea... maybe Rawket could appear every now and again (once a day, somehting like that) and when he does we can all join forces to kill him. you could make him bigger/stronger than the rest of us. like an end of game boss