robhewison / scrum-assignment

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Enable students to view the grades #1

Open robhewison opened 9 months ago

robhewison commented 9 months ago

User Story: As a student, I want to be able to view my grades on the platform so that I can monitor my academic performance and develop a better understanding for what I need to improve on. I should be able to easily view my grades in a user-friendly way. Ease of use is important to me.

Detailed Description:

The feature should enable students to access a specified section of the platform where they can view their grades for each course and assignment. The section should present their grades in a clear, organized way which will allow students to easily assess their performance to make sure they're doing well in the class. It should include current and past grades. If possible include some charts for better grade visualization.

Task list:

[ ] Design a user friendly UI for students to see their grades [ ] Implement a backend service to fetch grade data from the grade database [ ] Connect the UI front end to the backend service [ ] Include some way for the student to view their past grades [ ] Ensure that the feature works on web and mobile

Acceptance Criteria:

The student can log in to the platform and navigate to the grades section. The grades for each course and assignment are displayed. The student can see both their current and past grades. Any grade changes are show relatively quickly from the time that they are updated The grade viewing has cross platform functionality (web and mobile)

Acceptance Tests:

Test 1: Log in as a student and navigate to the grades section. Verify that all courses and their respective grades are listed. Test 2: Update a grade in the backend database and check if the update is reflected on the student's grades page. Test 3: Access the grades page from different devices such as a mobile phone and laptop

eyu776 commented 9 months ago

User Story: As a student, I want to be able to view my grades on the platform so that I can monitor my academic performance and develop a better understanding for what I need to improve on. I should be able to easily view my grades in a user-friendly way. Ease of use is important to me.

Detailed Description:

The feature should enable students to access a specified section of the platform where they can view their grades for each course and assignment. The section should present their grades in a clear, organized way which will allow students to easily assess their performance to make sure they're doing well in the class. It should include current and past grades. If possible include some charts for better grade visualization.

Task list:

[ ] Design a user friendly UI for students to see their grades [ ] Implement a backend service to fetch grade data from the grade database [ ] Connect the UI front end to the backend service [ ] Include some way for the student to view their past grades [ ] Ensure that the feature works on web and mobile

Acceptance Criteria:

The student can log in to the platform and navigate to the grades section. The grades for each course and assignment are displayed. The student can see both their current and past grades. Any grade changes are show relatively quickly from the time that they are updated The grade viewing has cross platform functionality (web and mobile)

Acceptance Tests:

Test 1: Log in as a student and navigate to the grades section. Verify that all courses and their respective grades are listed. Test 2: Update a grade in the backend database and check if the update is reflected on the student's grades page. Test 3: Access the grades page from different devices such as a mobile phone and laptop

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