robhogan / dynamodb-geo.js

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radiusQuery returns no results for some cases #32

Open leetmachine opened 5 years ago

leetmachine commented 5 years ago

followed this guide to test out this package: 267727e5d54f

data used is starbucks location data:

what I expected: when radiusQuery is supplied:

radiusInMeter: 5000,
CenterPoint: {
  latitude: 21.39356972,
  longitude: -157.7403334

radiusQuery would return the location found in the source data name: ""Starbucks - HI - Kailua 03681". This is expected because the supplied lat and long values are the matching values in the source data for this location.

what actually happened: radiusQuery returns no results.

other cases have also be found in parts Washington State.

aterreno commented 4 years ago

@leetmachine I wonder if this is the same issue we faced, I've found out that for 'some' (sorry I can't be more specific, I just tried one or two) aws-sdk versions the library doesn't work well. One downside it's also that it doesn't work well with the current default aws-sdk running in lambdas.

We forced aws-sdk to be a dependency (not a dev one) in our lambdas and it's now fine.

2.539.0 seems to work for us.

I hope this helps!

sblum51 commented 4 years ago

Hello ! Thanks for this library I tried during several month to use it. I think I tried all config but I still have an empty array as result of the queryRadius . I also tried by using the 2.539 version of aws/sdk

One thing differs : I have been using remote dynamodb (the one hosted by AWS, not a locale one)

jerry275 commented 4 years ago

I am also facing the same issue. Even my basic case is not working. See below issue

vijayshriM-LTI commented 4 years ago

using aws-sdk "version": "2.727.1" radiusQuery return empty everytime.
is there any way-out/solution to achieve geo-search query results?

vijayshriM-LTI commented 4 years ago

After a week dealing with Query result empty issue here is a pckg worked for mee. Hope this helps anyone else

Bersaelor commented 3 years ago

I also had the same issue with queryRectangle where no results are returned.

It disappeared when using "aws-sdk": "^2.539.0",, which isn't great because I'm sure there are issues that were fixed in more modern aws-sdk version. It's probably something that should be addressed.

risafletcher commented 1 year ago

2023 Update: I was able to get it to work using the v3 @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb and a library that supports the v3 SDK:

robhogan commented 1 year ago

@renet - looks like you’ve done a great job updating this neglected library for newer AWS SDKs. Would you like maintainer access here?

muzammal1451415 commented 10 months ago

Does anyone find this solution??? I'm also getting always empty result list while doing queryRadius(). I'm using v3 aws-sdk, please help me out if anyone found this solution. Thanks!

muzammal1451415 commented 10 months ago

2023 Update: I was able to get it to work using the v3 @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb and a library that supports the v3 SDK:

I tried your solution but I'm getting this error 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'geoJson')' even I have geoJson column in my Dynamodb table.