robin-shaun / XTDrone

UAV Simulation Platform based on PX4, ROS and Gazebo
MIT License
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Rviz not receiving camera data #12

Open buket7 opened 3 years ago

buket7 commented 3 years ago

Screenshot from 2021-05-26 00-36-12

Screenshot from 2021-05-26 00-38-57

I'm working on the Visual Inertial Odometer (VIO) tutorial. Rviz also doesn't receive / vins_estimator / image_track data. How can I solve the problem?

robin-shaun commented 3 years ago

Hi, does the iris_stereo_camera publish image and imu topic?

buket7 commented 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for your prompt response.

->If I don't get it wrong, these are the topics that share IMU and camera data: "/ iris_0 / stereo_camera / left / image_raw" "/ iris_0 / stereo_camera / right / image_raw" "/ iris_0 / imu_gazebo"

->When I call " rostopic list" command, there are the three topics above among the active topics. But when I use the command "rostopic echo" it gives the following error: WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is / clock being published?

->Likewise, when I use the "rostopic hz" command, I get the following error: subscribed to [/iris_0/stereo_camera/right/image_raw] WARNING: may be using simulated time no new messages

->I don't get an error on the IMU topic

robin-shaun commented 3 years ago

Maybe some gazebo plugin is not intalled

buket7 commented 3 years ago




NODES / gazebo (gazebo_ros/gzserver) gazebo_gui (gazebo_ros/gzclient) sitl (px4/px4) vehicle_spawn_ros_7_8923_1564799624964956591 (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) /iris_0/ mavros (mavros/mavros_node)

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [8934] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

setting /run_id to 01e4aa7e-c147-11eb-9584-94e9791a53fd process[rosout-1]: started with pid [8945] started core service [/rosout] process[sitl-2]: started with pid [8953] INFO [px4] Creating symlink /home/ros-7/PX4_Firmware/ROMFS/px4fmu_common -> /home/ros-7/.ros/etc

| \ \ \ / / / | | |/ / \ V / / /| | | / / \ / /_| | | | / /^\ \ __ | _| \/ \/ |/

px4 starting.

INFO [px4] Calling startup script: /bin/sh etc/init.d-posix/rcS 0 process[gazebo-3]: started with pid [8967] INFO [param] selected parameter default file eeprom/parameters_10016 [param] Loaded: eeprom/parameters_10016 process[gazebo_gui-4]: started with pid [8980] process[vehicle_spawn_ros_7_8923_1564799624964956591-5]: started with pid [8991] ERROR [param] Parameter COM_CPU_MAX not found. process[iris_0/mavros-6]: started with pid [9000] [ INFO] [1622379629.229219276]: FCU URL: udp://:24540@ [ INFO] [1622379629.231044770]: udp0: Bind address: [ INFO] [1622379629.231116570]: udp0: Remote address: [ INFO] [1622379629.231228596]: GCS bridge disabled [ INFO] [1622379629.240081303]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.241538342]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.241596380]: Plugin actuator_control loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.244364438]: Plugin actuator_control initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.247410687]: Plugin adsb loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.250619722]: Plugin adsb initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.250713704]: Plugin altitude loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.251669259]: Plugin altitude initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.251742194]: Plugin cam_imu_sync loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.252288804]: Plugin cam_imu_sync initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.252349280]: Plugin command loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.258824839]: Plugin command initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.258980538]: Plugin companion_process_status loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.261414962]: Plugin companion_process_status initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.261563371]: Plugin debug_value loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.265820244]: Plugin debug_value initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.265875645]: Plugin distance_sensor blacklisted [ INFO] [1622379629.266006880]: Plugin esc_status loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.267100392]: Plugin esc_status initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.267283349]: Plugin fake_gps loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.283129972]: Plugin fake_gps initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.283300634]: Plugin ftp loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.289428454]: Plugin ftp initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.289641148]: Plugin geofence loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.292680545]: Plugin geofence initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.292848812]: Plugin global_position loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.304932512]: Plugin global_position initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.305042736]: Plugin gps_rtk loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.307421065]: Plugin gps_rtk initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.307545200]: Plugin gps_status loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.309318909]: Plugin gps_status initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.309442981]: Plugin hil loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.317643885]: Plugin hil initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.317810975]: Plugin home_position loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.320018501]: Plugin home_position initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.320188486]: Plugin imu loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.325431075]: Plugin imu initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.325586254]: Plugin landing_target loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.334488851]: Plugin landing_target initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.334646361]: Plugin local_position loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.339439313]: Plugin local_position initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.339626813]: Plugin log_transfer loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.341730367]: Plugin log_transfer initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.341869195]: Plugin manual_control loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.343843831]: Plugin manual_control initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.343952790]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.346200304]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.346371139]: Plugin mount_control loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.348521066]: Plugin mount_control initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.348630437]: Plugin obstacle_distance loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.350251971]: Plugin obstacle_distance initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.350387480]: Plugin odom loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.354488006]: Plugin odom initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.354653937]: Plugin onboard_computer_status loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.356838345]: Plugin onboard_computer_status initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.356992330]: Plugin param loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.359555014]: Plugin param initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.359728267]: Plugin play_tune loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.361841512]: Plugin play_tune initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.361989991]: Plugin px4flow loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.368313521]: Plugin px4flow initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.368430933]: Plugin rallypoint loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.371635458]: Plugin rallypoint initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.371706287]: Plugin rangefinder blacklisted [ INFO] [1622379629.371852431]: Plugin rc_io loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.375439371]: Plugin rc_io initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.375490430]: Plugin safety_area blacklisted [ INFO] [1622379629.375630736]: Plugin setpoint_accel loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.378502149]: Plugin setpoint_accel initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.378626572]: Plugin setpoint_attitude loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.385590414]: Plugin setpoint_attitude initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.385709007]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.395508921]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.395623101]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.400934589]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.401046038]: Plugin setpoint_trajectory loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.403998620]: Plugin setpoint_trajectory initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.404114744]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.408047493]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.408171355]: Plugin sys_status loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.421951326]: Plugin sys_status initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.422112602]: Plugin sys_time loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.426451190]: TM: Timesync mode: MAVLINK [ INFO] [1622379629.427437896]: Plugin sys_time initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.427601202]: Plugin trajectory loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.431428990]: Plugin trajectory initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.431574022]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.432120588]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.432163841]: Plugin vibration blacklisted [ INFO] [1622379629.432265779]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.437108215]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.437247210]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.440596581]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.440751245]: Plugin waypoint loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.443762320]: Plugin waypoint initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.443820521]: Plugin wheel_odometry blacklisted [ INFO] [1622379629.443952112]: Plugin wind_estimation loaded [ INFO] [1622379629.444383491]: Plugin wind_estimation initialized [ INFO] [1622379629.444428857]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4 [ INFO] [1622379629.444480961]: Built-in SIMD instructions: SSE, SSE2 [ INFO] [1622379629.444510665]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2021.5.5 [ INFO] [1622379629.444547191]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega ASLUAV all development icarous matrixpilot paparazzi standard uAvionix ualberta [ INFO] [1622379629.444576673]: MAVROS started. MY ID 1.240, TARGET ID 1.1 INFO [dataman] Unknown restart, data manager file './dataman' size is 11798680 bytes INFO [simulator] Waiting for simulator to accept connection on TCP port 4560 [ INFO] [1622379629.519357349]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin. [ INFO] [1622379629.520792988]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting... Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[bounce], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[bounce]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. Warning [] XML Element[friction], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[friction]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. [ INFO] [1622379629.891360511]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin. [ INFO] [1622379629.943293199]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo_gui/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting... [ INFO] [1622379629.973355623]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available. [ INFO] [1622379629.998336848]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready. [INFO] [1622379630.091563, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from file /home/ros-7/PX4_Firmware/Tools/sitl_gazebo/models/iris_stereo_camera/iris_stereo_camera.sdf [INFO] [1622379630.098644, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_sdf_model [INFO] [1622379630.100529, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_sdf_model Warning [] XML Element[parent], child of element[sensor] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[parent]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. [INFO] [1622379630.651413, 1815.009000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [ WARN] [1622379630.671778840, 1815.009000000]: missing , set to default: /iris_0/ [ INFO] [1622379630.671861211, 1815.009000000]: set to: /iris_0/imu_gazebo [ INFO] [1622379630.671904119, 1815.009000000]: set to: imu_link_stereo [ INFO] [1622379630.671943497, 1815.009000000]: set to: 500 [ INFO] [1622379630.671989975, 1815.009000000]: set to: 0 [ INFO] [1622379630.672042102, 1815.009000000]: set to: 0 0 0 [ INFO] [1622379630.672105269, 1815.009000000]: set to: 0 -0 0 INFO [simulator] Simulator connected on TCP port 4560. INFO [commander] LED: open /dev/led0 failed (22) INFO [commander] Mission #2 loaded, 5 WPs, curr: 0 [vehicle_spawn_ros_7_8923_1564799624964956591-5] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/ros-7/.ros/log/01e4aa7e-c147-11eb-9584-94e9791a53fd/vehicle_spawn_ros_7_8923_1564799624964956591-5.log INFO [init] Mixer: etc/mixers/quad_w.main.mix on /dev/pwm_output0 INFO [mavlink] mode: Normal, data rate: 4000000 B/s on udp port 18570 remote port 14550 INFO [mavlink] mode: Onboard, data rate: 4000000 B/s on udp port 34580 remote port 24540 INFO [mavlink] mode: Onboard, data rate: 4000 B/s on udp port 14280 remote port 14030 INFO [logger] logger started (mode=all) INFO [logger] Start file log (type: full) INFO [logger] Opened full log file: ./log/2021-05-30/13_00_31.ulg INFO [mavlink] MAVLink only on localhost (set param MAV_BROADCAST = 1 to enable network) INFO [px4] Startup script returned successfully pxh> [ INFO] [1622379631.051607761, 1815.213000000]: udp0: Remote address: [ INFO] [1622379631.051797281, 1815.213000000]: IMU: High resolution IMU detected! [ INFO] [1622379631.071668006, 1815.233000000]: FCU: [logger] file:./log/2021-05-30/13_00_31.ulg INFO [mavlink] partner IP: [ INFO] [1622379632.024908038, 1816.181000000]: CON: Got HEARTBEAT, connected. FCU: PX4 Autopilot [ INFO] [1622379632.036921006, 1816.193000000]: IMU: High resolution IMU detected! INFO [ecl/EKF] 1776000: EKF aligned, (baro height, IMU buf: 22, OBS buf: 14) INFO [ecl/EKF] 1776000: reset position to last known position INFO [ecl/EKF] 1776000: reset velocity to zero [ INFO] [1622379632.813015427, 1816.965000000]: IMU: Attitude quaternion IMU detected! [ INFO] [1622379633.032574758, 1817.181000000]: GF: Using MISSION_ITEM_INT [ INFO] [1622379633.032623163, 1817.181000000]: RP: Using MISSION_ITEM_INT [ INFO] [1622379633.032666607, 1817.181000000]: WP: Using MISSION_ITEM_INT [ INFO] [1622379633.032720291, 1817.181000000]: VER: 1.1: Capabilities 0x000000000000e4ef [ INFO] [1622379633.032756404, 1817.181000000]: VER: 1.1: Flight software: 010b0080 (746b3124ab000000) [ INFO] [1622379633.032796723, 1817.181000000]: VER: 1.1: Middleware software: 010b0080 (746b3124ab000000) [ INFO] [1622379633.032836317, 1817.181000000]: VER: 1.1: OS software: 050400ff (ec417d7466666801) [ INFO] [1622379633.032874675, 1817.181000000]: VER: 1.1: Board hardware: 00000001 [ INFO] [1622379633.032907359, 1817.181000000]: VER: 1.1: VID/PID: 0000:0000 [ INFO] [1622379633.032948421, 1817.181000000]: VER: 1.1: UID: 4954414c44494e4f [ WARN] [1622379633.035243006, 1817.185000000]: CMD: Unexpected command 520, result 0 [ INFO] [1622379642.050406387, 1826.181000000]: HP: requesting home position [ INFO] [1622379647.066137789, 1831.181000000]: GF: mission received [ INFO] [1622379647.066378903, 1831.181000000]: WP: item #0 F: C: 22 p: 15 0 0 nan x: 400921410 y: -36924520 z: 30 [ INFO] [1622379647.066526714, 1831.181000000]: WP: item #1 F: C: 16 p: 0 0 0 nan x: 400937160 y: -36927200 z: 30 [ INFO] [1622379647.066656085, 1831.181000000]: WP: item #2 F: C: 16 p: 10 0 0 nan x: 400930510 y: -36999530 z: 20 [ INFO] [1622379647.066777310, 1831.181000000]: WP: item #3 F: C: 16 p: 5 0 0 nan x: 400915600 y: -36997410 z: 10 [ INFO] [1622379647.066932481, 1831.181000000]: WP: item #4 F: C: 21 p: 0 0 0 nan x: 400917380 y: -36958780 z: 0 [ INFO] [1622379647.066977452, 1831.181000000]: WP: mission received [ INFO] [1622379647.069702371, 1831.185000000]: FCU: Mission download request ignored, already active [ WARN] [1622379648.069664045, 1832.181000000]: RP: timeout, retries left 2 [ INFO] [1622379648.069824885, 1832.181000000]: RP: mission received [ INFO] [1622379652.076244671, 1836.181000000]: HP: requesting home position [ INFO] [1622379662.106185454, 1846.181000000]: HP: requesting home position

-> I'm using version 9.18 of GAZEBO, but I think there is a problem with the sdf format.

robin-shaun commented 3 years ago

You can ignore warnings like this Warning [] XML Element[contact], child of element[collision] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[contact]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.

buket7 commented 3 years ago

So what do you think is the reason for not getting camera data?

robin-shaun commented 3 years ago

May be you can try sudo apt install ros-melodic-gazebo*

buket7 commented 3 years ago

I tried, but unfortunately, Rviz still does not display the image.

robin-shaun commented 3 years ago

Is iris_stereo_camera in your indoor1.launch? 'arg name="sdf" default="$(find mavlink_sitl_gazebo)/models/iris_stereo_camera/iris_stereo_camera.sdf"'

buket7 commented 3 years ago
<arg name="est" default="ekf2"/>
<arg name="vehicle" default="iris"/>
<arg name="world" default="$(find mavlink_sitl_gazebo)/worlds/"/>
<arg name="sdf" default="$(find mavlink_sitl_gazebo)/models/iris_stereo_camera/iris_stereo_camera.sdf"/>

->Yes, the inside of the indoor1.launch file is as above.

robin-shaun commented 3 years ago

Emm, that's strange.

YiChenCityU commented 2 years ago
<arg name="est" default="ekf2"/>
<arg name="vehicle" default="iris"/>
<arg name="world" default="$(find mavlink_sitl_gazebo)/worlds/"/>
<arg name="sdf" default="$(find mavlink_sitl_gazebo)/models/iris_stereo_camera/iris_stereo_camera.sdf"/>

->Yes, the inside of the indoor1.launch file is as above.

Did you solved the problem? I cannot get image either.

robin-shaun commented 2 years ago

@YiChenCityU @buket7 What's your Gazebo version? Gazebo 11 is not supported.

robin-shaun commented 1 year ago

You should remove default gazebo models rm -r stereo_camera/ 3d_lidar/ 3d_gpu_lidar/ hokuyo_lidar/

mengchaoheng commented 1 year ago

同样的问题在使用Ubuntu18到三维激光slam是发生rviz无法显示点云数据的情况, Ubuntu 18 xtdrone-2022-11-06-04-10-56 此外,A-LOAM源码编译运行正常。@robin-shaun

mengchaoheng commented 1 year ago


mengchaoheng commented 1 year ago


cd ~/.gazebo/models/
rm -r stereo_camera/ 3d_lidar/ 3d_gpu_lidar/ hokuyo_lidar/


s-jhanvi commented 9 months ago

Hello, I am using Ubuntu - 18.04 with ROS-melodic and Gazebo 9.19 I am facing the same issue.

When trying to run, sudo apt install ros-melodic-gazebo*, it says that there are gazebo11 dependencies which cannot be resolved. Kindly help if you were able to solve the issue.