robin-shaun / XTDrone

UAV Simulation Platform based on PX4, ROS and Gazebo
MIT License
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reset问题 #31

Closed xd1002 closed 2 years ago

xd1002 commented 2 years ago

请问xtdrone有提供重设无人机的位姿、速度的rostopic或rosservice或gazebo plugin吗?以及有无碰撞检测功能(就是在和环境障碍物或别的智能体碰撞后能接收到True或者False的rostopic或rosservice或gazebo plugin)

petertheprocess commented 2 years ago
xd1002 commented 2 years ago
  • You can use "/gazebo/set_model_state" provided by gazebo_ros pkg to reset the uavs' states, however it may cause some issues when runing with PX4 SITL.
  • For the collision detecting issue, you can use the “gazebo_ros_bumper” plugin, which is also provided by gazebo_ros pkg.

Thanks for your reply. I tried out these two suggestions last night, and the "gazebo_ros_bumper" plugin does really satisfy my need. However, during my running the codes in the tutorial, I faced up with a strange problem. I got my desired result via the original code. But when I tried to command a specific velocity to the drone by modifying pose_msg.pose.position.x = 0; pose_msg.pose.position.y = 0; pose_msg.pose.position.z = 3 to pose_msg.twist.linear.x = 0; pose_msg.twist.linear.y = 0; pose_msg.twist.linear.z = 3 and ran the code, the base link of the drone(iris_stereo_camera) and its fan blades began to shake, and the fan blades was separated from the base link of the drone just like the picture below: default_gzclient_camera(1)-2022-04-19T11_22_57 524698 In the meantime, Gazebo did not report any error image Is it my missing some processes while running the codes in the tutorial? How can I fix it?

petertheprocess commented 2 years ago

It is not recommended to mix the dynamics process of the physics engine with your self-defined kinematics process. If u want to run the simulation just with your simplified dynamics or kinematics, u can follow this link to turn off the physics engine iteration.

However, turning off the physics may also influence the "gazebo_ros_bumper" plugin (I am not sure, u can just try.). If it is the case, u should write some code to detect the collision by yourself by judging the relative poses from each other (such as AABB algorithm, and OBB algorithm).

Good luck to u!