robinhood / ticker

An Android text view with scrolling text change animation
Apache License 2.0
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Need help with adding support for a prefix #42

Closed saket closed 7 years ago

saket commented 7 years ago

Hey folks, I'm trying to understand how does TickerUtils.getDefaultListForUSCurrency() work, but I'm unable to wrap my head around it. To be more specific, how does it ignore the dollar character? The only thing I've been able to figure out so far is that it probably has something to do with line numbers 38 and 39.

I'd like to use the rupee symbol (₹, \u20b9). Can you please help me out here?

saket commented 7 years ago

Update: Just realized how easy adding new characters is. Simply creating a new char array that also includes the rupee symbol solved the problem. I was assuming this to be much more complex.