robinmoisson / staticrypt

Password protect a static HTML page, decrypted in-browser in JS with no dependency. No server logic needed.
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Please update the home page interface to be compatible with mobile browsers #185

Closed appxzm closed 7 months ago

appxzm commented 1 year ago

I hope that the UI interface of index will be updated next time, and it will be compatible with Android and IOS mobile phones. The interface is too ugly, please.

robinmoisson commented 1 year ago

Hi, what's incompatible with mobile browsers in the UI?

Concrete suggestions are welcome (with no guarantee that they'll lead to any change), but "too ugly" isn't actionable.

I just took a screenshot in firefox and possible improvements I see are:

If you want a different design you can also completely customize it with the -t my_custom_template.html parameter.


robinmoisson commented 7 months ago

So I tried vertically centering the box and I actually like it less than the current version. I'm closing this issue, if you have more specific feedback feel free to chime in.