robinpaulson / SimpleRT

Simple Reverse Tethering utility for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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name of the network interface #20

Closed idespisevalvecoders closed 7 years ago

idespisevalvecoders commented 7 years ago

u think everyone got default name like eth0? may i ask why? in my case its enp0s8 so eth0: error fetching interface information happens

vvviperrr commented 7 years ago

u think everyone got default name like eth0

most users, i suppose

in my case its enp0s8

check out -i option.

and -h, btw :) common unix practice, u know.

idespisevalvecoders commented 7 years ago

desktop side says accessory connected! but nothing works because, wild guess, on the other side usb0 or something takes the spotlight, which i don't have either. netconfig says nothing up.

vvviperrr commented 7 years ago

do you installed latest apk (from releases tab)?

netconfig says nothing up

do you mean netcfg tool on android? it should show tun0 device as up.

can you paste cli tool output after device connected? "ip a" and "ip r" will be helpful too.

idespisevalvecoders commented 7 years ago

i've installed apk. desktop side says: read_usb_packet failed: Input/Output Error

vvviperrr commented 7 years ago

which device do you have?

i cant help you without any logs.

idespisevalvecoders commented 7 years ago

it's connected somehow after several tries, but even ping does nothing. don't bother i bridged my ethernet connection with usb tether and it worked.