robinvanderknaap / MvcJqGrid

Fluent jqGrid Html Helper for ASP.NET MVC
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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How can I rebind (refresh) the grid by change method from a DropDownList? #48

Closed jbengoa closed 9 years ago

jbengoa commented 10 years ago

How can I rebind (refresh) the grid by change method from a DropDownList?

I don't see a reloadGrid div for accesing it via jQuery or something like that, like the implementation in jqgrid original. Now I need to refresh the grid while changing a DropDownList with his ID to pass it to the controller.


robinvanderknaap commented 10 years ago

When you declare the grid like this: @(Html.Grid("nameOfYourGrid")....

The following code triggers the reload: $('#nameOfYourGrid').trigger( 'reloadGrid' );

You should be able to bind the change event to this code.

jbengoa commented 10 years ago

I'm doing this:

$(function () {
    $('#IdFormulario').change(function () {
        Search($('#IdFormulario option:selected').val());

Search = function (id) {
    $.getJSON('@Url.Action("Search", "encuestas")', { _idFormulario: id }, function (data) {
        $("#gEncuesta").setGridParam({ 'data': data }).trigger("reloadGrid");

But... it doesn't refresh correctly the grid.

In the Chrome console I got this JSON:
