Imported contacts from Juicer .v9 and included mm10 centromeres bed. (all mouse chromosomes have centromeres from 0-3000000bp)
Resulting object ignored supplied bed and called centromeres well outside of chromosome sizes, with zero values extending from end of actual chromosome data to the mis-calculated centromere
(specifically from chr9 to chr19)
Not sure if related but Juicer .hic has sort order chr1,2,3,4,5 etc. GENOVA object has sort order chr1,10,11,12 etc., or inter-chromosome matrices.
Downstream analysis results in chromosome AB compartments being skewed and resulting saddle plots giving weird patterns.
Also tried load_contacts_subset with specific regions per chromosome as a workaround but errors saying the feature has not been implemented for Juicer .hic
Issue persists with all resolutions.
Using centromeres=FALSE does not change the results
Changing the centromeres to "chrom=1 start=1 end=1" in the dataframe afterwards doesn't fix it either.
Is there a temporary workaround I can use to remove the cells that are outside the bounds of the chromosomes from the dataframes?
Imported contacts from Juicer .v9 and included mm10 centromeres bed. (all mouse chromosomes have centromeres from 0-3000000bp)
Resulting object ignored supplied bed and called centromeres well outside of chromosome sizes, with zero values extending from end of actual chromosome data to the mis-calculated centromere (specifically from chr9 to chr19)
Not sure if related but Juicer .hic has sort order chr1,2,3,4,5 etc. GENOVA object has sort order chr1,10,11,12 etc., or inter-chromosome matrices.
Downstream analysis results in chromosome AB compartments being skewed and resulting saddle plots giving weird patterns.
Also tried load_contacts_subset with specific regions per chromosome as a workaround but errors saying the feature has not been implemented for Juicer .hic
Issue persists with all resolutions.
Using centromeres=FALSE does not change the results
Changing the centromeres to "chrom=1 start=1 end=1" in the dataframe afterwards doesn't fix it either.
Is there a temporary workaround I can use to remove the cells that are outside the bounds of the chromosomes from the dataframes?
WT.hic.40kb <- load_contacts(signal_path = 'data/WT.hic', sample_name = "WT", resolution = 40000, centromeres=mm10.centromeres, balancing = 'KR', colour = "black")