robiot / rustcat

Rustcat(rcat) - The modern Port listener and Reverse shell
GNU General Public License v3.0
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chore: add funtoo to install table #25

Closed invakid404 closed 2 years ago

invakid404 commented 2 years ago

Hello 👋🏻,

I maintain the rustcat package over at Funtoo Linux. I've already added Funtoo install steps to the wiki, so I thought I might as well mention how to install rustcat on Funtoo in the README :^)

robiot commented 2 years ago

Looks great except the link is a 404. Is it just not added yet?

invakid404 commented 2 years ago

It will be there once a tree regen hits production, the link itself is correct :^)

robiot commented 2 years ago


robiot commented 2 years ago

Just a last question. In the wiki you put "emerge net-analyzer/rustcat". But in the readme its just "emerge rustcat". Which is the correct one?

invakid404 commented 2 years ago

Both are completely valid, emerge rustcat is just more concise. The category (catpkg) is generally optional for emerge. I just decided to be more specific for the wiki. The result is equivalent.