robjhyndman / JDS-quarto

Quarto template for ACM/IMS Journal of Data Science
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Implement ACM Reference Format #4

Open cynthiahqy opened 2 months ago

cynthiahqy commented 2 months ago

Example/Reference files:

ACM Guidance

JDS submissions have to follow ACM author guidelines:

Special Note About Reference Formats Reference linking and citation counts are facilitated by use of standard reference formats. Please adhere to the in-text citation style and reference format guidelines that we use for ACM publications. If you do not, your paper may be returned to you for proper formatting. Note: For BibTeX examples see:

ACM LaTex Best Practices:

References should be organized and formatted with the BibTeX software package, and included in your LaTeX source as follows:

\bibliography{<NAME OF BIBTEX FILE>}

Authors' first names should be spelled out, not abbreviated. Sources should be clearly identified: title, year, volume, number, pages, etc.

ACM Reference Formatting:

ACM IN-TEXT CITATION STYLE The in-text citation style is as follows: For parenthetical citations we enclose the number of the reference, thus: [1]. Sequential parenthetical citations are enclosed in square brackets and separated by commas, thus [1, 2]. When a citation is part of a sentence, the name of the author is NOT enclosed in brackets, but the year is: "So we see that Burando et al. [1999]..." By using your BibTeX (.bib) file with the appropriate .bst file (ACM Reference Format) your references should require minimum editing.

robjhyndman commented 2 months ago

Implemented in