robjhyndman / forecast

Forecasting Functions for Time Series and Linear Models
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auto.arima runtime stepwise increase #877

Open Someone894 opened 3 years ago

Someone894 commented 3 years ago


some time ago the runtime of the forecast we are using doubled from one (monthly) execution to the next. So I've wrote a small test script to analyze how the execution time of some of the forecasting method performs with different length timeseries:

start <- 1
end <- 100

auto_arima_forec <- function(x, h) {
  model <- forecast::auto.arima(x, stepwise = FALSE, approximation = FALSE)
  forecast::forecast(model, h = h)$mean

generate_random_ts <- function(a = 1:1000, b = 0, c = 7) {
  sin(a * rnorm(1, b, c)) +
    sin(a * rnorm(1, b^2, c^2)) +
    sin(a * rnorm(1, b^3, c^3)) +
    sin(a * rnorm(1, b^4, c^4)) +
    seq(a) / runif(a, 1, 10)

truex <- generate_random_ts()
#plot(truex, type = "l")

timeseries <- list()
for (i in start:end) {
  x <- ts(head(truex, i), frequency = 12)
  timeseries <- rlist::list.append(timeseries, x)

jobs <- lapply(
  function(x) {
      x <- x
      bquote(auto_arima_forec(.(x), 24))

names(jobs) <- paste0(
  "Length ts: ",
  stringr::str_pad(start:end, 3, pad = "0")

mbm <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(list = jobs)

save(mbm, file = "mbm.RData")

options(microbenchmark.unit = "eps")

options(microbenchmark.unit = "relative")

plot <- ggplot2::autoplot(mbm)

Most of them just (more or less) linearly increase in runtime for longer timeseries, which is to be expected. But the auto.arima method seems to be exploding (4-5 times more execution time) when the timeseries becomes longer then 71 month (=6 Years).


Do you know why this is the case and is it possible to decrease the magnitude of this sudden jump?

In order to keep this Issue short I only posted code and image for the auto.arima case.