I tried to measure accuracy of the "tbats" model using the code below and I got an error message. Does the accuracy function work for the tbats function? What would be a simple way to measure accuracy by ME, RMSE, MAE, ...?
x = sin(c(1:200)/10)
x = ts(x, frequency=10)
y = msts(x, seasonal.periods=c(10))
fit = tbats(y)
plot(forecast(fit, 120))
Then I got this error:
"Error in -.default(dx, fits) : time-series/vector length mismatch"
Currently I use R version 3.1.1 with RStudio.
Would appreciate if you can provide some hints. Thank you!
Hi Rob,
I tried to measure accuracy of the "tbats" model using the code below and I got an error message. Does the accuracy function work for the tbats function? What would be a simple way to measure accuracy by ME, RMSE, MAE, ...?
x = sin(c(1:200)/10) x = ts(x, frequency=10) y = msts(x, seasonal.periods=c(10)) fit = tbats(y) accuracy(fit) plot(forecast(fit, 120))
Then I got this error:
"Error in
(dx, fits) : time-series/vector length mismatch"Currently I use R version 3.1.1 with RStudio.
Would appreciate if you can provide some hints. Thank you!
Regards, Danai