robjschroeder / Elevate

Elevate is a script that can be ran from Jamf Pro to help elevate a standard user to admin for a specific amount of time
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2.0.0-b1 #11

Closed robjschroeder closed 1 year ago

robjschroeder commented 1 year ago

Updated 07.10.2023 @robjschroeder

Version 2.0.0-b1

- Elevate now prompts for a reason for Elevation, this value gets stored in an array in the Elevate plist located at /Library/Preferences/xyz.techitout.elevate.plist # - Elevate now checks for admin status prior to elevation happening, this can help to prevent admin users from losing their admin status. # - Elevate can now use a managed configuration profile sent from MDM, a JSON schema is currently being worked on # -- Use this in conjunction with the removeAdminRights variable for desired results. # - Extension Attribute examples coming soon.