roblans / ZWave4Net

ZWave4Net is a .NET library that interfaces with the Aeotec / Aeon Labs Z-Stick.
MIT License
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Support multi channel #14

Closed ofir-haviv closed 6 years ago

ofir-haviv commented 6 years ago

Hi Rob.

I'm Ofir, and I love your ZWave library. I'm building my own smart home, and I'm expending it with ZWave devices. Your library is the best one I've found so far, but it lakes some functionality. I would like to contribute to your project if it's ok by you. :) Few words on myself - I have SC bachelor degree, and I'm working as software engineer at Microsoft for 4.5 years now. I love programming, and love to play with gadgets and to try to make my home smarter. I'm playing with Zwave stuff on my free time as hobby (I don't have many of those). :) I hope you will let me join your project.

This specific change is about improving the MultiChannel command class, so user can query for how many endpoints are there, and query what each endpoint supports. I've also changed the endpoint communication to use the underline command classes (only BinarySwitch at the moment, but the infra is ready for more types. I just don't have the hardware to test it right now).


roblans commented 6 years ago

Hi Ofir,

Your welcome to contribute on this project. I like your improvement on the MultiChannel class and merged your changes into the main branch.
