roblox-plus / extension

This is the source of the Roblox+ Google Chrome extension!
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Premium API not working #54

Closed alreadypro closed 1 year ago

alreadypro commented 1 year ago

I have a Private Server for the Roblox+ Premium Hub that has been active for years. For the past month, I have not been receiving my Roblox+ Premium benefits.

This feature broke on or around January 3rd, 2023 when Roblox replaced the Vip Server List Endpoint from{placeId}/servers/vip ->{placeId}/private-servers

Sidenote The appended "/vip" to the former API is now ignored, which is why the requests to that endpoint return a 200 response code rather than a 404, a bad move on Roblox's part and inconsistent with similar behavior on the updated endpoint. [correct usage \(/private-servers\)]( vs [incorrect usage \(/private-servers/THIS_IS_INVALID\)](

The backend of Roblox Plus needs to update the Roblox+ Premium API endpoint at{userId} to use the updated Vip Server API endpoint.

WebGL3D commented 1 year ago

Fixed, and published. Thank you for the detailed report.

Sorry for the delay on this one.